Before Windows, computers existed, but were challenging to use; you had to know DOS. But today, believe it or not, kids currently graduating college have had access to Windows based operating systems their entire life.
The next big step in evolution for Microsoft Windows OSs is Vista. But before Vista, there was over 20 years of Windows based operating systems that slowly transformed the computer from a confounding object to a household gadget.
The Birth
1983 – First version of Windows is announced.
1985 – Windows 1.0 is released, introducing tiled windows and a graphical user interface. Mouse prompts and bitmap displays come into use as well as the ability to run more than one application at once.
1987 – Windows 2.0 released. Inter–application communication, improved graphics support, the ability to overlap windows and the first windows based applications are developed.
1990 – Windows 3.0 emerges with improved graphics with 16 color ability and icons. File, print and program managers included.
The NT Years
1993 – Windows NT 3.1 released. NT stands for New Technology and was a 32–bit OS. First OS to unite support for high–end, client and server business applications with security features.
1993 – Windows for Workgroups 3.11 supported peer to peer workgroups and networks.
1994 – Windows NT Workstation 3.5 appears with more security, OpenGL graphics standard and more.
The Modern Era
1995 – Windows 95 is released. This is likely the first OS that most people remember using. It added more Internet and mobile capacities, dial–up networking, plug and play abilities and enhanced 32–bit operating.
1996 – Windows NT Workstation 4.0, included the Windows 95 interface with increased networking and administration abilities.
1998 – Windows 98 is released and is an upgrade to Windows 95.
1999 – Windows 98 Second Edition or Windows SE emerges with improved hardware and Internet abilities.
2000 – Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me) appears for home use.
2000 – Windows 2000 Professional released as an improvement over the NT business OSs with improved networking and the ability to work with wireless products or connections.
The XP Age
2001 – Windows XP is released. XP stands for experience. Has added multi media abilities, a new interface and increased multi–tasking support.
2001 – Windows XP Professional appears. This XP OS is still in use in an upgraded form.
2001 – Windows XP Home Edition is released for home users and is currently available in its upgraded form.
2001 – Windows XP Home Edition emerges for 64–bit computing.
2002 – Media Center appears for home entertainment use.
2002 – Windows XP Tablet PC Edition appears for tablet PC use.
The Dawn of Vista
2007– Vista is been released with the intention of eventually replacing all XP versions of Windows. Currently, this OS is having a rocky start and is in the laborious phase of working out numerous bugs.
Building upon Window’s past, Vista is a combination of New Technology (NT) and Experience (XP) and will hybrid into a New Experience.Surely now people with good configured PC's are rating Vista with sp1 4.5 stars out of five.
But Windows is still more planning to get the ultimate OS that is Windows 7.Actually 7 stands for the 7 th version of Windows OS. Lots more posts to come on this blog for more Vista and Windows 7.
Read more on this blog...
Microsoft Corporation. (2007). Windows History: Windows Desktop Products History. Retrieved August 25, 2007, from
Microsoft Corporation. (2007). Windows History: Windows Desktop Timeline. Retrieved August 25, 2007, from
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