Simplify using your mouse: change double-click to single-click

When you browse the Web with Microsoft Internet Explorer, links open with a single click. Yet, when you browse My Computer or My Documents, a single click lets you select a file or folder, but you have to double-click to open it.

If you'd rather single-click to open files and folders, you can change the setting on your mouse (don't worry, this process doesn't require any double clicks).

To change the settings on your mouse


Click Start, and then click My Computer.

Start menu with My Computer selected


Click Tools, and then click Folder Options.

Folder Options selected on Tools menu


Click Single-click to open an item. Then, click OK.

General tab in Folder Options dialog box with Single-click to open an item selected

Now you can navigate folders and open files with a single rather than a double click. If you need to select a file, simply hold your mouse over the file for a few seconds without clicking.

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